Monday, December 23, 2013

Stories from the Suitcase - "I'm going back to Cali, Cali, Cali..."

I'm going back to Cali, Cali, Cali…
I’m going back to Cali,
(Courtesy of LL Cool J)
If you grew up in the 80s’ when rap was king, or have a teenager who loves old school remix, these lyrics may bring back memories of football pep rallies and high school dances.  Late in the fall of 2012, I found myself singing these lyrics over and over again, with great anticipation of returning to what is one of my most favorite events, the “Escape from Alcatraz” triathlon in San Francisco.  I had once again entered into the lottery system in hopes of securing a slot for Alcatraz earlier that year, however, it was not to be.  It seemed if I wanted to return “to Cali” I would be pursuing a charity slot again as I had for my first year in 2011.  Having gone the charity route before, I was blessed to have the benefit of so many wonderful friends and connections through the Challenged Athletes Foundation.  This would be needed as the time frame allotted for fundraising for the 2013 race was shortened somewhat due to a conflict on the scheduled event weekend.  The 2013 World’s Cup would be held on the usual weekend of the race, at the race site, therefore Escape was being moved to early March.
Now hold on, and let me back up and fill you in on my first experience at the “Escape from Alcatraz” triathlon in 2011.  After much convincing from my best friend and training partner, Robert Palmer, I entered the lottery in hopes of securing a slot.  Much to my surprise (not really!) I was not selected for the lottery.  Robert, however, was… so, back to the drawing board.  After many bike rides and long conversations, Robert and I came up with the great idea to pursue a charity slot!  And a great idea it was!  I signed on with the Challenged Athletes Foundation and began to raise funds to support this wonderful charity and the life changing work they do.  I was blessed to be gifted by so many donors that I reached my fund raising goal, thereby securing my entry into “Escape” for 2011.  I-was-on-my-way!
Alcatraz 2011
Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon 2011
San Francisco, Cali'
Then, wouldn’t you know, Robert and I, after more bike riding and conversations decided it should be a big family vacation!  So, the planning ensued.  I always thought my first year at Alcatraz would be the most memorable. I mean, how can you top a week long family vacation, time spent in Napa Valley, lunch in Chinatown, Trolley rides, driving down Lombard Street (over and over J), and watching the seals at Fisherman’s Wharf.  There is nothing like touring Alcatraz Island and then finishing out the week with completing the race itself, and being blessed to share all of this with your own family and your best friend’s family too.  Really, can the next year get any better?

I’m going back to Cali, Cali, Cali…
I’m going back to Cali…hmm I don’t think so
 (Courtesy of LL Cool J)
Ok, so let’s fast forward back to late fall 2012.  In December my family and I relocated to the beautiful Space Coast as Tom, my husband, began to pursue a new career.  Shortly after moving to this new area, my health took a downhill swing.  I’m going back to Cali…hmm it isn’t looking very good right now.   On top of being asthmatic I suddenly had to have my tonsils removed.  How could this be?  How can you make it this far in your life in Tallahassee, the allergy capital of the world, and relocate to the fresh salt air of Cocoa Beach and end up needing to have your tonsils removed?  Nevertheless, a tonsillectomy I needed, and a tonsillectomy I got.  The procedure went smoothly.  As an outpatient surgery, I went straight home and was doing great.  I believed I would be back on my feet and outside running by the end of the week! This was the first week of February, about 3 and a half weeks before race day AND I still needed to secure my charity slot.  By the next morning, I was burning up with fever and very ill, off to the ER.  Many tests later it was finally determined that I had developed pneumonia in conjunction with the procedure.  This led to an extended stay of 5 days in the hospital. Triathlon training for an asthmatic who has just had her tonsils removed and enjoyed the daily offerings of hospital life is pretty much non-existent.
Going back to Cali…hmm I don’t think so…
More and more it would seem that my return to San Francisco, and attempting to escape from “The Rock” was not to be in the cards for this year.  After a wonderful visit with, yes you guessed it, Robert, and much encouragement I decided to petition my Doctor for release to participate in the event. I have to say, it took a lot of discussing and quite a bit of convincing, but in the end I was granted my release.  Again with the gifts of key donors, my charity commitment was fulfilled.  This time it would not be a family trip, it would be Robert, Paige, his wonderful wife and my dearest sister in Christ and myself.  Three weeks later…  I WAS “going back to Cali!
 Can I say that year two topped my first, hmmm…I cannot say that it was better, they were equally “the best!”
Michelle Alcatraz 2013
FINISH Line, Escape from Alcatraz 2013
Also pictured is Robert Palmer of Tallahassee, Florida.

Michelle Beitelmann was born and raised in the Big Bend area and currently resides in Cocoa Beach.  She is a multiple Ironman finisher:  Ironman Florida (2009, 2011) and Ironman Lake Placid (2013).  She has finished the infamous Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon twice, and countless sprint and Olympic distance triathlons.  She has run the Tallahassee Marathon and 26.2 with Donna:  The National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Please Meet the Bennetts: December's Random Runners

Please meet Robin and Tim Bennett, December’s Random Runner(s).  

In the spirit of the holidays and family, we have asked newly weds Tim and Robin Bennett to share their running story with you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Capital City Runners! 
Tim-Robin Palace 5K 2013
Tim and Robin just before the 2013 Palace Saloon 5K -
the morning of their wedding.

CCR:  When did you start really running?  Why?
Tim: 2 years ago I was inspired by my best friend, who is now my wife, to manage my stress and to lose some weight.

Robin:  In 2008 to lose weight, to find a new me and new friends to bring a positive influence to my life.

CCR:  How has running shaped you since then?
Tim:  I’ve lost weight, I feel healthier, found a great way to clear my head, and it has given me the opportunity to challenge myself, set new goals and make a lot of new friends.

Robin:  I’ve lost over 100lbs since 2008, found some of the best friends/family that I could have prayed for and I’ve become a better person overall.

CCR:  As a child, did you think running would be an important part of your life?
Tim:  I was always running around playing football as a running back but this is a whole different side of running.  I’ve trained my body to not only run fast again but to run longer as well.

Robin:  Not really, but when I go support the Cross Country Meets or Track Meets I see these kids pushing their bodies, the friendships, the accomplishments, it makes me really wish I had.

CCR:  What is one of your most awesome running memories? i.e. proudest, favorite, most memorable...
Tim:  My first half marathon, hitting 40 miles at my 12H Ultra and every time I push myself to a new PR.

Robin:  I’ll never forget the day I ran my first mile non-stop I fell in love with that feeling, and also my first marathon.

CCR:  What is your weak point?  Does it haunt your or drive you?
Tim:  My work schedule.  I work 12H night shifts 7pm-7am and have a hard time finding a good balance between working on my jeep, the house, sleeping and running.  It really haunts me, I always want to do my best but it’s hard to train to do my best all the time.
Reduced Tim-Robin Trail Blazers
Robin and Tim doing one of the things they love best:
running the trails in Tallahassee.

Robin:  My eating habits haunt me.  I hope to find a day where I can maintain without struggle.  Trails are the weakness that drive me, I go back for more and more so I can conquer them one day.

CCR:  What do you like to do when you aren’t running?  (Do you have a favorite non-running hobby?)
Tim:  I play XBOX, work on my Jeep, and going to movies with my wife.

Robin:  I LOVE dancing!!  Traveling, movies, football and really anything that allows me to be around friends.

CCR:  What do you do to pay your bills?
Tim:  I am a Correctional Officer at Department of Corrections and do some side work at a friend's horse farm.

Robin:  I’m a Science Educator with High Touch High Tech and part time work at a friend's horse farm.

CCR:  If money were no object, what would you love to do?
Tim:  I would love to own an Off-Road Park for ATV’s, Jeeps, Dirtbikes.  I’d also love to learn to re-build jeeps and own a Jeep repair shop.

Robin:  I would do a lot of traveling, do some exotic races and take a nap everyday.

CCR:  What are some of your most recent “reads”?
Tim:  Magazine are my favorites reads, I love Men’s Health, Bicycle, Runner’s World, Four Wheel Drive.  The interviews, articles, and advice are so refreshing to me.

Robin:  I’m reading the Runner’s Guide to the Meaning of Life and just picked up a nutrition for runners book.  I’m also a big fan of Runner’s World magazine and Women’s Health

CCR:  Who motivates you, and what inspires you to keep running?
Tim:  Seeing the dedication and hard work pay off for my running family that train so hard and set PR’s.

Robin:  The memory of my mom and every single person in the GWTC family.

CCR:  What is your idea of the perfect “running” vacation (or weekend)? A non-running vacation?
Tim:  My perfect running vacation or not would have to be Italy or Greece.  But, really anywhere with my wife.

Robin:  For the past couple of years there hasn’t been a vacation without running in it somewhere:  my husband asked me to marry him at the finish line of the Peachtree 10K; we all ran the Palace Saloon 5K the morning of my Wedding; and we went to California for our Honeymoon and ran the Big Sur 21 miler.  Anywhere where I can be with family and run is perfect.

CCR:  How has Capital City Runners been a positive component of your running career/life-style?
Tim:  When I first started running I was in an old worn down pair of shoes and CCR helped me find out what my gait was and explained the kind of runner I was and spent an hour helping me try on shoes until we got it right.  True runners helping runners.

Robin:  Incredible athletes as employees to answer my every question and give advice whenever needed.  They put on fun runs, have demo nights, have awesome apparel, accessories, and of course have never put me in a shoe I didn’t love.
Tim-Robin 12.7.2013
The Bennetts at this year's running of the GWTC 10 Mile Challenge:
a Tribute to Our Friend Reid Vannoy

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

By Request: Tips for Running With Asthma

Running and asthma would seem to be mutually exclusive, but look no further than marathon-world-record holder Paula Radcliffe of Great Britain, who was diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma at the age of 14, to see that it's possible for asthmatics to enjoy—and excel at—a cardio-intensive sport like running.

Bill Roberts, M.D., medical director for the Twin Cities Marathon and a professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School in St. Paul, Minnesota, offers these six tips for runners who, like him, suffer from asthma. Follow Roberts' advice and you can hit the road and still breathe deeply.

1. Make Sure It's Asthma
Just because you wheeze or cough doesn't mean you have asthma. "There are several things that can mimic asthma, the most common being vocal-cord dysfunction," says Roberts. "I see a lot of that, especially in younger runners who are assumed to have asthma because they have a wheezing-like sound." See your physician for a diagnosis to ensure proper treatment.

2. Take Your Meds
Asthma medications work by relaxing the muscles around your airways. It's when these muscles constrict (an occurrence known as bronchospasm) that asthmatics experience wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing.Quick-relief asthma medications such as Albuterol, which are often prescribed as rescue inhalers—so called because they are designed to ease symptoms within minutes—can also be used as prophylactic or preventive medication, says Roberts. So, runners with asthma can take a dose as directed a few minutes before a run to help manage symptoms.

If you have chronic asthma (that is, your symptoms aren't triggered solely by physical exertion), you'll probably need to be on a daily control medication, like an inhaled steroid, in addition to having a rescue inhaler.

3. Warm Up
Some asthmatic runners may skip a warm-up—thinking that doing so will save their lung power for their race or workout—but, as it happens, getting your lungs working hard beforehand may actually help you avoid an attack. "There's a refractory period for bronchospasm," says Roberts. "If you do a warm-up hard enough to induce some coughing or wheezing, it usually takes about four to six hours before you have as bad a spasm again." The key is to warm up just hard enough to get a small spasm without sapping your energy. Roberts suggests running for a few minutes, then doing several short, hard pickups (bursts of faster-paced running).

4. Protect Against Pollen
Pollen allergies can trigger asthma symptoms for some sufferers of exercise-induced asthma, so it's smart to run when pollen counts are at their lowest, which is usually in the early morning. Roberts also recommends checking your local pollen count online (try or and running on the days when the count is lowest. Afterward, shower as soon as possible to get the pollen off your hair and skin, and toss your workout clothes directly into the hamper.

If the pollen count is high even in the morning, do what Roberts does: Consider substituting an indoor activity for running, or doing something outdoors that doesn't make you breathe as hard, such as kayaking, biking, or walking.

5. Cover Your Face
Even people without asthma find themselves coughing during runs in cold temperatures. Why? Breathing cold, dry air results in cold, dry airways—a trigger for bronchospasm.

Roberts suggests covering your nose and mouth while running so the moist air you exhale will help humidify the air you inhale. Stay away from cotton bandanas, which can freeze against your face in cold temperatures. "Fleece balaclavas or neck gaiters are probably the best," Roberts says. "They maintain a fair amount of warmth even when they're wet, and they'll stay thawed pretty easily."

6. Be Smart
* Always carry your rescue inhaler. And not just while running. "There's no reason not to have it," Roberts says. "You can slip it in a lot of places, like the pockets in running shorts." You may never need to use your rescue, but if you do, you'll be very glad you have it.

* Have a game plan. Confirm with your doctor the steps you should take if you have an asthma attack. Should you call the doctor's office so they can determine the severity of the attack? Or should you see if you can get relief from your rescue inhaler? Create an action plan that both you and your doctor are comfortable with.

Roberts' advice for when you get into trouble: "You want to clear this with your physician, but what I tell my patients to do is to take as many puffs of your inhaler as it requires to stop the attack, or until you start to shake so much [a side effect of the medication] that you can't hold your inhaler. For some people, that's four to six puffs every five minutes for several minutes. I start shaking after two puffs."

* Consider wearing a medical alert tag. A bracelet or tag that indicates you have asthma can save first responders valuable time. "Giving the right medication quickly could be lifesaving," says Roberts.

* Take extra precautions if you have severe asthma. If you've ever had what Roberts calls a "flash attack," in which you quickly go from feeling good to being in severe distress, you should either run with a friend or carry your cell phone—or both.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Stories from the Suitcase - Paul Peavy

The purpose of our "Suitcase Stories" blog series is to allow YOU to share those travel experiences that surround training, racing, and enjoying new scenery.  We invite you to share travel tales where you win, PR, or have an awesome day on the roads.  We invite you to share insights gained from the race, the other competitors, the journey to and/or from the race (or training venue).  We invite you to share the lows and downs that made you a BETTER, STRONGER runner and person.

Our first contributor is Paul Peavy.  Paul is a former stand up comedian turned psychotherapist.  He is a veteran Ironman athlete married to an accomplished IronWoman athlete and father to a state ranked high school swimmer.  You can imagine the travel he and his family have under their belts.

Thank you, Paul, for being the guinea pig of the series.  The two insights, both literal and figurative, are a unique look into the life of a father/athlete and ourselves.  Wow!  We are looking forward to your future contributions and to those of the Big Bend running community.

Suitcase Stories: Literal and Figurative
By Paul Peavy

The one true, literal suitcase story I have in my running career is that I went to do the Disney Triathlon with my daughter Lauren and another family.  Lauren and I would be having fun at Disney while my wife Sherrie had a girls’ trip to Mexico to do a Half-Ironman there.

I take great pride in being a very involved and emotionally and physically available father. The night before the Disney Triathlon we were going to be trick or treating in DisneyWorld! How cool was that? Lauren carefully packed her Halloween costume into her pink and white polka dotted suitcase. I checked and double checked that we had everything and we headed to the happiest place on earth for the happiest father-daughter time possible!

When we got there we excitedly unpacked the car. It was then that we noticed that I had forgotten only one thing. Not bad. Just one little thing. What was the teeniny, itsy bitsy, little tiny thing? It was only Lauren’s pink and white polka dotted suitcase. With everything she could ever need in it.

This is too literal to have any symbolic meaning. If there was a moral here is what it would sound like, “Hey, idiot if you go somewhere remember people’s suitcases!”

Here is my real suitcase story. It is my favorite line from a country song.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

Your suitcase is packed in between your ears. It is packed in your chest cavity. It is in you. It is you.

You may start by running from something. You may work through that so that you are running to something. In the end I hope you will find that you don’t have to run to or from anything. You can just run.

You may be in the stage of being a RUNbot. You have gauges on your wrist and straps on your chest that beep when you’re going too fast and boop when you are going too slow and beeboop when your toast should pop up. I hope sometimes you leave the radar equipment at home and just go for a run and hear your heart and lungs heaving and your feet hitting the ground.

You may have programmed music into your sound system that makes you run harder. I hope you also program music that makes you think, that makes you grateful. I mostly hope you program music that makes you dance. Nothing makes a run more fun than a mid-run freakdance breakout!

You may have to run in the rain at some point. That’s how other people would phrase it. I hope you frequently have the joy and the freedom to run in a soaking, torrential downpour. Nothing cleanses your soul like a run in the rain.
Sometimes run with friends. Sometimes run alone. If you are in a group you may run with an enemy. You may run with that group so much that the person becomes your friendemy. Then one day when you are struggling and that person agrees to walk with you they become just your friend, no –emy.

Running for each of us is different. As different as each of our souls.  Just count yourself blessed if a couple of times a week you get to pack your suitcase and get out for a run.

Peavy Family
Paul Peavy and his family: daughter - Lauren, wife - Sherrie

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Run Happy. Be Seen.

Presented by the IRRA for November, National Running Safety Month.

Wear High Visibility Items.  Be Seen.  Be safe.

November's Random Runner is Erin Glover

Please join ROCKET MAN (Capital City Runners) in welcoming Erin Glover, formerly of Tallahassee and currently residing in Orange, California, as the Random Runner of November.
Erin:  “I'm honored to be chosen!”

CCR:  When did you start really running?  Why?
Erin:  I started running seriously in 2005.  My dad was in remission following a fight with Lymphoma when I found out about the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training program.  We committed to the program together - with me training for the Walt Disney World Marathon and the two of us raising money together.  He was even there to cheer me on at the finish line!

CCR:  How has running shaped you since then?
Erin:  Running has given me both discipline and perspective.  I now know that I can always push myself a little more, and that pain and frustration are only temporary.  Running makes me feel like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

CCR:  As a child, did you think running would be an important part of your life?
Erin Glover RunningErin:  Oh no.  I struggled to just finish the mile so I could go do something fun!

CCR:  What is one of your most awesome running memories? i.e. proudest, favorite, most memorable...
Erin:  Finishing my first full marathon is my proudest running memory.  Not only did I accomplish my goal, but it set me on the path of being a runner for the rest of my life.

CCR:  What is your weak point?  Does it haunt your or drive you?
Erin:  Sugar. It haunts me every day.

CCR:  What do you like to do when you aren’t running? (Do you have a favorite non-running hobby?)
Erin:  I recently moved from Florida to Southern California, so my hobby has been exploring my new home.  There’s beach, mountains, city, desert - so much to discover.

Erin Glover Non-Running
CCR:  What do you do to pay your bills
Erin:  I manage social media at the Happiest Place on Earth - Disneyland!

CCR:  If money were no object, what would you love to do?
Erin: Travel, with intermittent periods of absolutely nothing.

CCR:  What are some of your most recent “reads”?
Erin:  Right now, I’m reading “Walt Disney: An American Original” by Bob Thomas

CCR:  Who motivates you, and what inspires you to keep running?
Erin:  My husband is a terrific motivator.  Every time I run a race, he asks if I won.  It’s sweet that he thinks it’s even a possibility.  My health inspires me to keep running.  I see and feel the benefits every day, and I don’t want that to end.

CCR:  What is your idea of the perfect “running” vacation (or weekend)? A non-running vacation?
Erin:  Honestly, I don’t run on vacation.  I have huge feet, and my shoes take up too much room in my suitcase.

CCR:  How has Capital City Runners been a positive component of your running career/life-style?
Erin:  I love the information and motivation posted on the Facebook page.  Even from across the country, I feel connected to a running community back home.  Keep it up!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Third Anniversary CELEBRATION! Don't Miss it!!!!


Times and details on the Calendar page as well as on our Facebook Events Page.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Asics GT-1000 2 IS YOUR October Footwear PRODUCT OF THE MONTH

Pink Ribbon GT-1000 2   Men's GT-1000 2

Making a repeat appearance is the GT-1000 PR

ASICS has teamed up with Christina Applegate’s Right Action for Women, a charitable services fund of the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), to help provide assistance to women who are at increased risk for breast cancer.
From October 1 to October 31, 2013, ASICS America will support the fi ght against breast cancer by donating $2.00 per pair of shoes, and $1.00 for every bra and pair of socks sold, with a guaranteed donation of $100,000, up to $125,000, from specially marked ASICS products made available in retail stores nationwide. With this project, ASICS hopes to help all women experience the feeling of living with a sound mind, in a sound body.

NEW IN THE GT-1000 2

Improved Forefoot Flexibility thanks to thinner, and more numerous flexgrooves under the forefoot. Transition at toe-off also benefits from this.
Full-Blown Rubber Outsole boosts comfort and bounce-back
Increased Rearfoot GEL Cushioning for even more shock absorption and comfort
Full-Length SpEVA 55 Lasting provides greatly improved underfoot feel and comfort


SpEVA Midsole Material adds bounce to the ride, adding softness/comfort, but without feeling "mushy"
DuoMax A dual-density midsole provides support and stability to overpronators
Trustic System provides midfoot structural integrity while reducing weight
Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL Cushioning reduces shock during impact and toe-off phase
Guidance Line A vertical flex groove on the outsole decouples along the line of your step for enhanced gait efficiency
Reinforced Vamp Vamp mesh durability is increased by the addition of a thin, seamless underlay
Open Upper Mesh provides added comfort and breathability
AHAR (ASICS High Abrasion Rubber) is placed in critical areas of the outsole for exceptional durability

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday-to-Friday Fame

If you could have your name up in lights, wouldn't you want to see it?  
If someone could make you famous for a week, would you be interested?

Starting tomorrow, Saturday October 5, we are going to make you that offer.  
Here's how it works:

1.  You RACE in one of our Capital City Runners singlets or shirts (the ones printed with Capital City Runners on the front) on a Saturday or Sunday

2.  You send us a picture by the immediately following WEDNESDAY

3.  From all the pictures submitted Capital City Runners will choose one to be place on the web site's home page for ONE WEEK beginning that Friday.

4.  If your picture is chosen to be on the web site, you also earn a FIVE percent (5%) discount to use on any one purchase during the following week.

So, it's simple.  You race in a CCR shirt; you send us a picture; when you are chosen you earn a spot of Friday-to-Friday fame on the web site and a 5% discount on any one purchase during your Reign of Fame (good for the time your picture is on the web site - one week).

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Apparel Product of the Month: adidas AKTIV Pink Ribbon apparel for women

The adidas AKTIV "Pink Ribbon" line of apparel for women carries all of the same high quality features you have come to expect from any adidas product.  In addition, a percentage of profits from designated pieces in the AKTIV line benefit charity.

The AKTIV Against Cancer Foundation was founded by the late Grete Waitz and Helle Aanesen to help prevent and aid in the treatment of cancer and other diseases.  adidas has donated, because of the line, over $500,000 in 2011 alone. The line was started in 2009 by Grete Waitz as part of a long term partnership. Some feel that the work with AKTIV kept Grete Waitz alive even longer, during her fight with cancer.

Product Information:  3/4 Tights

aktiv 3/4 tightsMake a run against cancer in these women's running tights. 10% of profits directly benefit
The National Breast Cancer Foundation, INC. Made from sweat-wicking climalite® fabric.
  • 19.5" inseam (size Med)
  • climalite® fabric sweeps sweat away from your skin
  • Drawcord on elastic waist
  • Contrast and reflective details; Fitted fit
  • 10% of profits to directly benefit The National Breast Cancer Foundation, INC.
  • 83% polyester / 17% elastane doubleknit
  • Imported

Product Information:  Fitted Tank

You're helping in the fight against cancer when you run in this women's tank top. Part of the proceeds benefit breast cancer charities worldwide. Featuring climalite® fabric that wicks sweat.
aktiv tank
  • climalite® fabric sweeps sweat away from your skin
  • Scoop neck; Racer back
  • Allover stripes on front
  • Reflective details; Fitted fit
  • 10% of profits to directly benefit The National Breast Cancer Foundation, INC.
  • 100% polyester doubleknit
  • Imported

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September's Footwear Product of the Month: Motion by Newton Running


Newton's Stability Performance Trainer is for runners wanting a daily training shoe that can also function brilliantly as a faster tempo-pace run or race shoe. More supportive and structured than our lightweight performance trainer line, the Motion is a great everyday trainer for runners who may like to turn up the speed now and again during tempo or fast-paced runs and intervals. The Motion has medial posting to offset pronation
Stability Performance Trainer - Motion for Women | Newton Running
Our Stability Performance Trainer is for runners wanting a daily training shoe that can also function brilliantly as a faster tempo-pace run or race shoe. More supportive and structured than our lightweight performance trainer line, the Motion is a great everyday trainer for runners who may like to turn up the speed now and again during tempo or fast-paced runs and intervals. The Motion has medial posting to offset pronation. -
  • Weight • 7.7 oz

  • Heel-to-toe drop • 3mm

  • Upper

    • Highly-breathable, fast-drying, open-air mesh
    • Minimal anatomical support strapping
    • Metatarsal stretch panels for comfort and fit
  • Outersole

    • High-density rubber
    • Carbon rubber heel
  • Midsole

    • Action/ReactionTM technology in the midfoot and heel
    • Biomechanical metatarsal sensor plate
    • High-rebound EVA
    • Dual-density medial posting to midfoot
    • Met-flex enhanced midfoot flexibility
    • ETC anti-friction, anti-bacterial sockliner
    • Accommodates most orthotics

Monday, September 2, 2013

Apparel Product of the Month - September

We've talked about lots and lots of new ideas coming your way over the next couple of months. Today we reveal one of them: PRODUCT OF THE MONTH!!! (applause .... loud cheers) Each month we plan to feature two products - one in the apparel/accessory category and the other a shoe.

The Nike Featherlight Visor features sweat-wicking fabric and side mesh panels to help keep you comfortable while blocking out the sun.
Available in a Unisex and Women's specific fit.
Tons of colors!

Dri-FIT fabric to wick sweat away and help keep you dry and comfortable
Mesh panels at sides for breathability
VELCRO ® brand fastener at back for an adjustable fit

Fabric: Dri-FIT 100% polyester
Hand wash

Saturday, August 31, 2013

And The Runner Dude's Name Is....

Maestro, may we have a drum roll please...?

After weeks of name suggestions, and days upon days of voting, you - the runners of the Big Bend Area - have chosen Rocket Man (although we think he may end up as "Rocket") as the name for the Capital City Runners Runner Dude.

Congratulations to Chris Rego for the suggestion, and thank you to all who participated.  Chris, please contact Kevin or Jon at the shop for your CCR singlet and to let them know which local race you would like to be "comped."  Again, congratulations and thank you!

And, you will see below something new we are rolling out just for YOU.  A monthly newsletter.  It will be filled with upcoming events, product reviews, fun stories, and interesting tidbits.  Make sure you sign up to receive your copy via e-mail.  We hope you will enjoy it and submit suggestions to be included in future issues.  Feel free to send any of those suggestions to

Friday, August 23, 2013

This Month's Random Runner ... David Yon

Please join Capital City Runners in welcoming
David Yon as  August’s Random Runner.  

CCR:  As a child, what was your dream job?
David:  I don’t really think I wanted a job when I was a child.

CCR:  When did you start running?  Why?
David:  I started running on a regular basis in 1983.  I have always participated in a lot of sports activities, but once I graduated from college and started working it became harder to do enough of those activities to stay fit.  Running was probably just something to supplement flag football, tennis and softball at first.  Of course by the end of 1984 it had pushed everything else aside.

CCR:  What is one of your most awesome running memories? i.e. proudest, favorite, most memorable...
David:  Maybe finishing my first marathon (in Killearn) and doing so in just under 3 hours.  There are a million more though – a strong effort at Comrades Marathon (South Africa); running in Alaska (and a lot of other great outdoor places); running a marathon in Antarctica; looking down from high up on a bluff or cliff to see the covered bridge at the bottom, the Pacific Ocean to the left, and giant hill across the way with the baby grand piano waiting near the top knowing I had to run it all to finish the Big Sur Marathon; running Boston (especially the first year when I ran single file through the tunnel of women from Wellesley College); and the incredible friends I have made through GWTC.

David near the finish of the
2013 Palace Saloon 5K.
 CCR:  What is your current occupation:
David:  Practicing Law.

CCR:  If money were no object, what would you love to do?
David:  I love taking on life’s challenges the best way I can and hope I will always do continue to do that.  I can’t really look out there and identity one particular thing I would love to do if “money were no object.”  

CCR:  Do you have any indulgences?  What is your weak point?
David:  I very much enjoy good craft beers. 

CCR:  Do you have a favorite non-running hobby?
David:   I guess, if you can call writing a hobby, I enjoy it a lot and that would be it.  The pressure to produce something once a week, every week is not so fun.

CCR:  What are some of your most recent “reads”?
David:  I just read Stanley McChrystal’s memoir – My Share of the Task, I think it is called.

CCR:  Do you have any particular running Inspiration or personal motivator?
David:  I just love the activity and the sport so much.  There is just a wonderful link between the body in motion and one’s sense of being.  Running offers so much, from competition, to personal enjoyment, to health, to great friendships that it seems inseparable from what I am.  Of course injuries have a way of changing all that…

CCR:  What is your idea of “The Perfect Day”?
David:  Those days when at their end, I can put my head on my pillow and think “today was a good day, I met life’s challenges and opportunities with the best effort I had.”

David and his wife, Mary Jean,
on vacation earlier this year.

CCR:  What is your biggest challenge to staying motivated?
David: I really don’t have any problem staying motivated; the biggest challenge though I would say is staying healthy.

CCR:  How has Capital City Runners been a contributor or positive component of your running career/life-style?
David: Capital City Runners has been a great addition to Tallahassee and its running community.  I have loved working with the store every November when it becomes one of the hubs for the Tallahassee Turkey Trot!

Additional Comment:  David Yon commented at the 2011 annual Gulf Winds Track Club Awards about how he had walked into the shop shortly before Kevin and Nate opened it and looked around wondering if the shop would be open at Thanksgiving.  That was 2010.  David, we, at Capital City Runners, are happy to report it was decided that we are here to stay.