Rocket Man welcomes Mickey S. Moore as this January's Random Runner. A round of applause please.
CCR: When did you start really running? Why?
Mickey: I started running about 2 miles a few days a week in 2007. I have always been active in various sports (baseball, softball, gym), but had not run – seriously – since jr. high school. Realizing that the gym efforts and sporadic activities weren’t keeping me in shape, I had to do something that I could DO anywhere I went. My first race was in the Spring of 2008.
At the time, I traveled the country for work every week – so running fit the bill.
CCR: How has running shaped you since then?
Mickey: Literally? Well, ask my wife Audrey! :-) Lol!
Joking aside:
First, it has harnessed a lot of my “perfectionist” tendencies in one place and has allowed me to put less pressure on my life in other areas. It has given me something that I can be in the most control of – having great impact on the result. Less interference from outside forces – I know that I can put in as much, or as little, as I want to and I am the only one to blame for any failure. This gives me great opportunity to succeed – because like many of us “addicted” athletes, I will push; I will train. I CAN. I WILL!
Next, my running has been inspiring to others – what a feeling it is when others ask my opinion; share that my commitment and effort has pushed them to try this running thing; and seeing the domino effect of running, friendships, connections, etc. I know that my results are not what draw people to ask, to seek advice, or to be influenced…I hope it’s the effort, the commitment, the discipline, the sharing and the love of this sport that permeates all my life’s activities. It is difficult to explain how I, in turn, feel when I see those very same people go on to succeed in running and health and then impact others – amazing!
I would also like to think that I can be one of many carrying the torch in support of an active lifestyle – participating is so important. It does so much for us physically and mentally…keep moving folks.
Surely, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the competitiveness of it all! I will not win many races, but I know part of my drive is competing, respectably competing, in my age group, or even in a Regional or National arena (amateurs, of course). We are blessed here in Tallahassee with an awesome Gulf Winds Track Club – our runners can hold their own across the country – I have traveled enough to know that.
Lastly, running is allowing me a way to bring awareness and support to others. Most races have a charity tied to it – so that’s great and it’s impactful. Additionally, each year I typically raise money for a charity while training/running a marathon – it is hard to explain the impact this has on me as a person, but it is worth every call, every mile, every ask….I am grateful to all that have supported me!
CCR: As a child, did you think running would be an important part of your life?
Mickey: No, certainly not. I always said I wanted to be in good shape my whole life, but I fell off the path a little here and there. I have found it again.
After my 9th grade year, I quit track to play the cooler sports – or so I thought. Never big enough to really matter much, I still played football, baseball and soccer, and they brought more attention back then! Where would I be now with my running if I had not quit???
CCR: What is one of your most awesome running memories? i.e. proudest, favorite, most memorable...
Mickey: a few come to mind:
- My first marathon in 2009 – training for the half marathon for weeks, I decided the week of the Tallahassee marathon to run THE FULL! Getting a blister at mile 9 was a pain (of course), but I finished in 3:32:46! The moments after crossing the finish line will NEVER be forgotten.
- After my bachelor party the night before our wedding in Charleston, SC, I ran a 5k the next morning at 7:30 – on 3 hours sleep and a bit of a hangover. After the first 100 yards, I was toast…but I finished. It’s a reminder of my commitment to running and to my marriage – I am determined to make it happen and to succeed in both.
- Winning my first race EVER in 8th grade – the “I Run Write” 2 miler. It was so cool!
- My first Boston Marathon in 2011. Cried like a baby after the finish – what an experience.
- Lastly, joining the sub-3 hour club at the Chicago Marathon in 2013. I made it to that level – and knowing the miles, the sacrifices, the work that all went into to it….the visions from that day will last a lifetime.
- Mickey - Chicago 2013
CCR: What is your weak point? Does it haunt your or drive you?
Mickey: My weak point in running is probably the fact I am getting older! J I know my number of good years running are dwindling down – it drives me to compete now, to pursue PRs now, and be in the moment while running.
CCR: What do you like to do when you aren’t running?
(Do you have a favorite non-running hobby?)
Mickey: eat, travel, read, softball, bike now and then, journal….
CCR: What do you do to pay your bills
Mickey: President/CEO of Southern Scholarship Foundation – a statewide nonprofit providing rent-free housing scholarships to college students with academic merit, limited financial resources, and good character. I am actually an alumnus of this program! #ssfalum #honored
CCR: If money were no object, what would you love to do?
Mickey: Running tour guide; travel the country as a running reporter/blogger/journalist; MLB umpire; stay-at-home dad; travel – run on every continent. Run all World Major marathons.
CCR: What are some of your most recent “reads”?
Mickey: I am currently reading “Work with Me: The 8 Blind Spots Between Men and Women in Business”, Annis & Gray & “Greatness: The 16 Characteristics of True Champions”, Don Yaeger
CCR: Who motivates you, and what inspires you to keep running?
Mickey: I rely on so many moments, people, memories, goals, quotes, and dreams for motivation – it’s difficult to pinpoint. Well really, those things keep me from being unmotivated – life has always been motivating to me on its own. Therein lies the key – I know to live a life different than my youth (challenging to say the least) and to achieve goals in life without a safety-net in any way, I have had to keep moving forward – running certainly is the true essence of that. I want to live a fulfilling life – a life with failures & accomplishments, with love & happiness, with charity & philanthropy, with learning & leading, with pain & sorrow, with family & friends.
As with many athletes, I have intrinsic motivators that drive me – most were formulated as a result of where I am from, have solidified because of where I am today, and will remain because of where I want to be tomorrow.
I can, I will.
CCR: What is your idea of the perfect “running” vacation (or weekend)? A non-running vacation?
Mickey: Running vacation – a Big City marathon! 5 days to run, rest, relax and reward! Food, drink, sight-seeing….with the best race caddie ever, my wife Audrey.
Non-running – I really can’t imagine going on a vacation without running at all! But if I did, a return trip to Costa Rica please…..
CCR: How has Capital City Runners been a positive component of your running career/life-style?
Mickey: In a few ways:
- Community Partner – CCR does wonders for others in our community. Thank you for partnering with our organization on our annual Education for Life 5k – we appreciate your support!
- Promoting an Active Lifestyle – your engagement in our community is awesome….thank you for taking such an active role in getting folks moving!
- Expert advice and Current running gear – how spoiled we are to have the talented folks at CCR (including an Olympian) to help us, and the clothing and shoes are top-notch.
- Personally – I can say I have raced with an Olympian. Seriously, I will never forget running next to Kevin in a race here locally, stride by stride. For a little more than a mile, I had to tell him how cool it was that for the first time in my life I actually raced next to an Olympian – he laughed, of course, and I restated my observation with more enthusiasm! Of course, I was only running a 15k and he was warming up for his 30k – so he eventually sped up and left for good J. BUT, I did race side-by-side with an Olympian! Awesome!
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